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                         PENERAPAN KALKULUS PADA SINAR X Secara bahasa matematika berasal dari bahasa Yunani “ µαθµηατικá – mathe>matiká ” adalah studi besaran, struktur, ruang, dan perubahan. Dalam kamus Oxford , matematika adalah ‘ science of size and number (of which arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, and geomtry are branches) ’ (ilmu pengetahuan tentang ukuran dan angka, yang mana aritmatika, aljabar, trigonometri dan geometri adalah cabangnya). Sedangkan secara istilah matematika berasal dari bahasa Inggris , mathematics , yang artinya ilmu pasti, matematika. Mathematics , merupakan kata sifat, artinya yang berhubungan dengan ilmu pasti, matematis, mathematically adalah kata kerja, artinya menurut ilmu pasti, secara matematis, dan mathematician adalah kata benda, yaitu seorang ahli matematika.   Istilah matematika sudah menjadi ...

RESENSI NOVEL DEAR NATHAN RESENSI NOVEL DEAR NATHAN 1.   Identitas Buku Judul novel                                         : Dear Nathan Penulis novel                                     : Erisca Febriani Penyunting buku                             : Maskur Priatna Pemeriksa Aksara                            : Rahmia ...

Rangkuman Jurnal "Dual Mode Delivery in an Introductory Statistics Course: Design and Evaluation" Abstract In recent years, the Australian tertiary education sector embraced the gradual adaption of the dual mode system in course delivery in universities and higher degree education providers. In such systems, students have the option, as well as the flexibility, to undertake the same course in a face-to-face (F2F) environment and/or an online environment. This article presents an evaluation of the dual mode design of a first-year business statistics course delivered at the Griffith University. In this article, we discuss the various aspects of the dual mode design in the course, emphasizing the use of consistent teaching strategies for the F2F and online student cohorts. Moreover, we present a comparative analysis of learning satisfaction and academic performance of the two cohorts within the dual mode system. Using t -tests, nonparametric tests, and propensity score matching estimators we provide new insights into dual mode course design. Our...